New London High School Athletics

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Haley Landis MS, AT, ATC, FMS-1

NLLS Athletic Trainer


Haley is our athletic trainer here at New London Local Schools, contracted through Fisher-Titus Medical Center. She completed her Master of Science in Athletic Training through Indiana Wesleyan University. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training through Shawnee State University, where she participated in cross country and track & field. Haley has a special interest in injury prevention and is certified in functional movement screen (FMS). She is happy to support our student-athletes! Go Wildcats!

Our athletic trainer is available immediately after school and through the end of the last home sporting event or high school practice throughout the week. 

*Weekend and holiday break hours vary pending event schedule.
**Alternate summer hours TBA at the conclusion of the academic year.

The Role of the Athletic Trainer:
"Certified athletic trainers are healthcare professionals who specialize in preventing, recognizing, managing and rehabilitating injuries that result from physical activity. As part of a complete health care team, the certified athletic trainer works under the direction of a licensed physician and in cooperation with other health care professionals, athletics administrators, coaches and parents" (Athletic Training, Fisher-Titus). To read more about the Fisher-Titus athletic training program, please visit the following link:

In the event that physician evaluation is necessary following an athletic injury, families have the freedom to choose the healthcare provider of their choice.  However, our athletic trainer can assist with priority scheduling for student-athletes when providers affiliated with Fisher-Titus Medical Center and NOMS Healthcare are selected. Please provide a note with any participation restrictions, clearance information, or treatment recommendations upon physician evaluation, so that we may best serve your student-athlete!

Prior to participation, all athletes must have a valid pre-participation physical examination (PPE) form on file and uploaded into Final Forms. Sport physicals are valid for 13 calendar months.

Please also complete your emergency medical authorization, and all required paperwork on Final Forms prior to the athletic season.

Resources and Forms